Jaycee Homes

Welcome   to the Jaycees Brantford Housing tenant community. 

Our goal is to help you settle into your home. 

Who to Contact and When while you are living at Jaycee Homes:

Tammy (Property Administrator)– [email protected] or 519-759-4799 

  • Rent (Appointments for Payment ETC.) 
  • Moving out 
  • Guests staying longer than 14 nights 
  • Transferring to a different unit 
  • Current or former arrears 
  • Late rent 
  • Questions about the lease 
  • Complains about neighbours 
  • Annual income reviews  
  • Lost keys 

John (Maintenance Manager) – [email protected] or 519-761-8971 

  • Damages 
  • Alterations to the unit 
  • General concerns about the building 
  • Fire and life safety 
  • Maintenance requests 
  • During the day tenants should speak to John about needed repairs. The work will be issued based on priority. 
  • If a Maintenance concern arises, you could also try these things first: 
  • Plunging a plugged toilet or backed up sink 
  • Make sure a non-working fridge or stove is plugged in, and that the breaker is in 



Rent is due on or before the first of each month. The preferred method is pre-authorized payment. You will need to complete a form with your banking information and give Jaycee Homes permission to charge your account (provide a void cheque and the form from our office). 

Payments can be made at 73 Pearl Street by: 

  • cash, cheque, money order or post-dated cheques.  

Market Rent: Market rent is rent set based on the market rent for the area. It increases once a year on the anniversary of your tenancy. 

Rent-Geared-to-Income: Rent-geared-to-income is calculated based on formulas established by legislation (Housing Services Act). Generally, it is calculated on 30% of your gross household income or a scale for Social Assistance and ODSP and adjusted by utilities. Tenants must inform Brantford Housing of changes in monthly income or the people living in the unit within 30 days of the change. 


Pursuit of Income 

Tenants must make an effort to pursue income: support, employment assistance and social assistance. Tenants are not required to be employed to be eligible for rent subsidy. 

Transferring to a different unit 

To qualify to transfer to a different unit, the following must apply: 

  • The tenant must have lived in current unit for 12 months 
  • The tenant must have had no rent arrears for at least 6 months in a row 
  • Transfer is subject to a satisfactory unit inspection 
  • The tenant must continue to be eligible for rent-geared-to-income 

Reasons for Transfer 

  • Victims of family violence 
  • Over-housed (too many bedrooms for family size) 
  • Approved for special medical priority (subject to medical documentation) 
  • Urgent Priority (severe circumstances requiring transfer) 
  • Under-housed (too few bedrooms for family size) 

Tenant Etiquette 

Respect your neighbours and keep noise to a reasonable level at all times. Supervise your children and guests to be sure they don’t bother your neighbours or their property. 



Tenants can have guests for up to 14 nights per year. If a guest is planning to stay more than 14 nights, approval must be obtained from the Property Manager. 



Tenants will be invoiced for damages beyond normal wear and tear. 


Content and liability insurance 

Tenants are encouraged to purchase a tenant insurance policy to cover their personal property and liability. Jaycee Homes’ insurance does not cover tenants’ belongings. 



Tenants can have pets but they are responsible for their pet’s behaviour and must follow all provincial and municipal by-laws (stoop & scoop, etc.). 



For fire, criminal activity, etc. call 911. Then let your Property Manager know. 



Jaycee Homes would like to know if you think you have bed bugs or other pests. We will have the unit inspected and if you do have bed bugs, we will have your unit treated. You will be required to prepare your unit to allow for successful treatment. 


Fire and life safety 

If you hear an alarm from your smoke alarm, check for fire. If you suspect fire, leave the area, closing doors behind you. Sound the main alarm (in apartments). Call 911 from a safe location. 

If you hear an alarm from your carbon monoxide detector and you have a headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, everyone must leave the home immediately. If no one feels sick, open windows and turn off the furnace. Then reset the alarm. 

If the alarm (smoke and/or carbon monoxide) continues to sound, we will replace the alarm. Do not disconnect your alarm. It is against the law, and you could be fined. 


Moving out 

You must provide 60 days’ written notice, and the last day must be the last day of a month. The tenant is responsible for the rent until this date. 

Units must be left clean, all garbage removed, dark paint colours primed a light colour and any damage repaired to Housing Services’ satisfaction. The tenant may be charged for damages beyond normal wear and tear. The charges will remain on the provincial arrears database and will be forwarded to collections. This could affect the tenant’s credit rating. 

All keys and access cards must be returned to the office. 

Sign and Return Your Property Condition Report

Sign and return your Property Condition Report to your Maintenance Manager and keep the second copy for yourself.

Keep All Your Paperwork Together

Keep all your important papers, including your rental agreement, rent receipts, and any letters from the Property Administrator, in one place.

Update Your Details

Tell the utility companies your new address, update the water and electricity companies.

Check Gas and Power

Make sure your gas and electricity are connected and working.

Redirect Your Mail

Get the post office to send your mail to your new address. You can do this at a Canada Post outlet or online.

Find the Garbage Bins

Look for the garbage bins and ask your Maintenance Manager when garbage day is.

Your Property Administrator will give you JC Homes’ Tenant Handbook when you sign your lease. They will also show you how to access the important tenant forms, where you can report a repair and look up everything related to your tenancy.

Run by a volunteer Board of Directors, who have been good stewards of this project for the last 35+ years, and despite the funding changes and reductions, JC Homes continues to offer true affordable housing in the City of Brantford. The properties are managed very efficiently by 2 full time staff and a part time administrator.

Let’s Talk

For help and info call: (519) 759-4799

Visit our Bridge to Home Campaign Today!