Jaycee Homes

Partner With Us

“It's not just about housing, it's about hope and a new beginning for families.”

The Bridge to Home Campaign: Our $1.5 million Fundraising Goal

To make a donation by cheque, please print our donation form and include it with your cheque.

“Supporting the Bridge to Home Campaign is one of the most visionary investments you can make. I urge you to donate today!”

To make #32 Bridge Street a reality, JC Homes is launching its $1.5 million Bridge to Home
Campaign. This is the first-ever community fundraising effort undertaken JC Homes. We invite
you to join us to secure the resources to build viable, sustainable affordable housing in the
heart of downtown Brantford, and deliver much-needed community services to some of our
most vulnerable and under-served residents.

Help us build a Brantford first. It can’t happen without you!

All donors will be recognized on the Donor Wall located in #32 Bridge Street.

Giving Level Gift Amount Gift Amount​
Visionary $500,000+
Leader $250,000 - $499,999
Champion $100,000 - $249,999
Builder $ 50,000 - $ 99,999
Investor $ 25,000 - $ 49,999
Patron $ 10,000 - $ 24,999
Partner $ 5,000 - $ 9,999
Supporter 1,000 - $ 4,999
Friend Up to $999.99

Naming opportunities are available and the Campaign Director will be happy to discuss them with you.

To make a donation by cheque, please print our donation form and include it with your cheque.

The campaign is led by a grassroots team of committed, community minded individuals who
look forward to speaking with you.


To make a donation by cheque, please print our donation form and include it with your cheque.